How I Lost 40 Pounds and Countless Inches in a Year
Since I’ve started this journey and really shared it along the way on my Instagram, so many have asked how I’ve done it. Honestly, if you follow my stories regularly, you would know exactly how (I saved a lot in my highlights as well). I often try to share my formula with others but honestly, it can be different for everyone. You have to find what works best for you and stick to it. If you don’t stick to it and truly struggle with consistency, you won’t see consistent results.
My journey started with working with a coach after doing her Thanksgiving challenge last year. I figured if I could do the challenge and see results, then maybe I could keep going. I joined her program shortly after, honestly just for the support and to have a common place of accountability. I was able to get in a habit of reporting when I was doing well and not doing well but instead of staying off track, I just got back on it! I was able to identify my difficult points and go from there. I say this because my struggle areas may not be yours. I was already on a low carb diet but I wasn’t really supplementing, which caused me to binge a lot! I felt like I knew what to eat, I just wouldn’t stick to it long enough and definitely wasn’t working out enough. Here are few things that I’ve truly made a part of my lifestyle that helped me lose the weight and maintain.
Knowing When to Eat
I implemented intermediate fasting and honestly got used to “not eating breakfast”. If I really wanted something, I drank a smoothie. Implementing this helped me focus on two main meals per day and healthy snacks. I never found myself “hungry”. If I did, I was eating too many low calorie meals and snacks and knew I needed to add some substance and roughage.
Sticking to Weekly Workouts
My friends laugh at times but I will alter plans and shift my schedule to make my fitness classes. I love them! I always enjoyed going to classes such as Zumba and Dance Cardio. So I found classes I love that were fun, didn’t feel like work but I leave drenched! I prioritize these class and make them a part of my weekly life to fit with my parenting schedule. If I can’t go to class, I incorporate a cardio day or at home training day to supplement. But working out for 3-4 days per week for at least 180 minutes was imperative in kick-starting my weight loss.
Limited My Meat Intake
I was pretty plant-based before having my son. I always wanted to get back to that and it was really difficult post-partum because Tristan had me craving ALL THE MEAT! I slowly worked my way back to this by incorporating meatless Mondays, then meatless lunches and then only about 4 meals with meat per week. This definitely isn’t for everyone and by no means am I a vegetarian or a vegan but I’m just part-time plant based and prefer plant powered meals. This helps me focus on the nutrients I’m getting and not just stuffing myself with meat.
Identify and Substitute My Weaknesses
I often hear people say, I can’t live without me “ice cream, potatoes, pasta” etc. Actually, if you wanted to, you could. I found that dairy was a weakness for me but every time I’d incorporate it, I’d gain weight. For over a year now, I’m primarily consumed dairy free products including almond, oat and coconut milk, used coconut milk creamer and eating cashew and coconut milk ice cream. I also cook plant based pasta noodles such as chickpea pasts (more protein, less carbs). I haven’t always been a chips type of person unless it was that time of the month but that could be an easy down fall. So I subbed out my faves with kettle chips.
Stay Away from the Drive Thru & Center Aisles
For the first two to three months, I ate no fast food. If I did, I ensured it was as clean as possible (grilled chicken sandwich with a salad). Once you start incorporating fast food and restaurant food, it can be difficult to get off that train. So if you struggle with this, meal prepping will be your friend. I also don’t eat much processed food. What’s processed food? Food that comes in packages and cans that have a lot of added ingredients. If you flip a package over and it lists 30 things you don’t know how to pronounce, it’s processed. Does that mean I don’t buy frozen or canned foods? No! I just ensure that what is listed on the package is what I’m buying. If I’m getting a frozen veggie, the back of the package should have the veggie name only. I also buy these items with no salt added or reduced sodium to prevent myself from consuming unnecessary salt.
Here are some of my progress photos I’ve tracked throughout the year!
October 31, 2018 vs March 2019
June 2019 - August 2019
May 2019 - October 2019
One full year! November 2019 vs. November 2018
Ultimately, it’s all about doing things in moderation and creating a plan with eating and exercising that you can create a lifestyle out of. I don’t deny myself anything. If I want it, I get it but I make the modifications like mentioned above. I think it’s important to stay really discipline in the beginning. Start with the first month and then try to go three. The longer you stay discipline, your body will learn what you don’t want and not only will your cravings decrease, but you won’t like the old stuff you used to eat. It also may literally make you sick. If I fall off a bit, it’s okay because I know how to get back on tract. Give yourself grace for sure! If you fall off, don’t keep going down the hole because you fell off. Take a few days to address why you’re making the decisions you are and remember your goals. There are plenty of times where I’m tired but I push through. The motivation has to come from within! You can do this! Share some of your journey below in my comments!